
AI Classification in Google Drive is now available for the Gemini Education Premium add-on

What’s changingWe’re expanding the availability of AI Classification in Google Drive to Google Workspace for Education customers with the Gemini Education Premium add-on. Powered by privacy-preserving AI models that can be uniquely trained on the specific needs of your organization, AI classification empowers IT ...

Enhancing your productivity on Android devices with new features in Gmail and Google Chat apps

What’s changingWe’re introducing numerous improvements across the Gmail and Google Chat apps on Android foldables and tablets in order to enhance your productivity when using these devices. In the Gmail app, you’ll notice a new formatting bar located on the email compose screen. This now includes additional ...

Automatically generated captions for videos in Google Drive

What’s changing Today, we’re excited to announce that when you upload a video to Google Drive, captions for the video can be automatically generated. These captions are automatically generated using speech recognition technology to transcribe the audio. Automatically generated captions will be supported in ...

Introducing Google Meet LTI™

What’s changingTo help improve remote and hybrid learning, we’re introducing Google Meet LTI™ for Canvas by Instructure and PowerSchool Schoology Learning. This builds on the existing Google Workspace Learning Interoperability Tools including Assignments LTI™ and Google Drive LTI™. You can use Google Meet LTI™ ...