Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap – October 4, 2024

4 Neue Aktualisierungen

Sofern nicht anders angegeben, stehen die unten aufgeführten Funktionen allen Google Workspace-Kunden zur Verfügung und sind vollständig eingeführt oder werden gerade eingeführt. Die Einführung sollte nicht mehr als 15 Werktage in Anspruch nehmen, wenn die Einführung sowohl für Schnelle und planmäßige Freigabe zur gleichen Zeit. Andernfalls sollte jede Phase der Einführung nicht mehr als 15 Arbeitstage in Anspruch nehmen.

Access filter chips easier in Google Drive search 
Last year, we introduced search chips in Drive to enable you to filter by criteria like file type, owner, and last modified date. To build upon this, we are adding these filters inside the Drive search bar, so you can find relevant files even faster in Drive. We will also show new as-you-type suggestions for filter chips. For example, if you type “doc”, you’ll see a suggested “Document” file type chip. | Rolling out to Rapid-Release-Bereiche jetzt; Start zu Geplante Freigabedomänen planned for October 22, 2024. | Available to Google Workspace customers, Google Workspace Individual subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about searching and finding files in Drive.

The Option List field type is now two separate field types in Label Manager 
Since launching, Google Drive Labels have supported the ability to make an Option List field a single-select or multi-select. To make this setting clearer and improve upon the user experience in the Label Manager, we’ve separated the options into two separate field types: Options list (Single select) and Options list (Multi select). | Rollout to Bereiche für schnelle Freigabe und planmäßige Freigabe is complete. | Available to Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Essentials Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, Education Standard, Education Plus, Frontline Starter and Frontline Standard customers only. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about adding fields to a label. 
Improved spelling suggestions for Germanic languages in Google Docs
For years, users have used Google Docs’ spelling suggestion features for a variety of languages. This week, we’re excited to announce improvements to Norwegian spelling suggestions: 
Norwegian Bokmal Norwegian Nynorsk Rolling out to Bereiche für schnelle Freigabe und planmäßige Freigabe now. | Available to Google Workspace customers, Google Workspace Individual subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about checking your spelling & grammar in Google Docs und changing your language on the web.
Introducing new summary cards for purchase information in the Gmail mobile app 
Summary cards extract information from related purchase emails and visually display it at the top of the email to provide helpful information about orders and deliveries. This week, we’re excited to announce updates for purchase-related summary cards including new action buttons, the ability to organize key information across related emails, and real-time status updates. Now you can effortlessly find order details of recent purchases or stay up-to-date on the latest delivery status. The new purchase summary cards are now available in the Gmail mobile app on iOS and Android devices. | For Android devices, rollout to Rapid-Release-Bereiche ist abgeschlossen; Start zu Geplante Freigabedomänen planned for October 14, 2024. | For iOS devices, rollout to Bereiche für die schnelle und planmäßige Freigabe is complete. | Available to Google Workspace customers, Google Workspace Individual subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about using summary cards in Gmail.

Frühere Ankündigungen

Die folgenden Ankündigungen wurden Anfang dieser Woche im Blog Workspace Updates veröffentlicht. Die vollständigen Details finden Sie in den ursprünglichen Blogbeiträgen.
Comments and action items are now available for client-side encrypted Google Sheets and Slides 
The use of comments and action items are now available in client-side encrypted Google Sheets and Slides. | Learn more about client-side encrypted comments in Sheets and Slides.
Beta update: Data Loss Prevention enforcement in Gmail is now instantaneous 
We’re announcing enhancements for the Data Loss Prevention for Gmail open beta, which are designed to improve usability without compromising sensitive data protections for Gmail. | Learn more about the DLP beta in Gmail. 
New Watermarking in Google Meet Helps Protect Your Meeting Content 
Google Workspace customers with a Gemini add-on can now watermark presented content and video feeds in Google Meet. Watermarking in Google Meet will appear as a subtle text overlay that displays the meeting code and the email address of the viewer over the shared content and video feeds of participants.| Learn more about Watermarking in Meet.
Gmail Q&A now available on iOS devices
Letzter Monat, we introduced a new way of searching your inbox with Gemini on Android devices. Starting this week, this feature is also available on iOS devices, enabling you to ask Gemini questions about your inbox. | Learn more about Q&A on iOS devices.

Abgeschlossene Einführungen

Die folgenden Funktionen wurden vollständig eingeführt Domänen mit schneller Freigabe, Domänen mit geplanter Freigabe, oder beides. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in den ursprünglichen Blogeinträgen.

Geplante Freigabe-Domänen: 
Rapid und Scheduled Release Domains: 

Einen Überblick über die Ankündigungen der letzten sechs Monate finden Sie unter Was ist neu in Google Workspace (aktuelle Versionen)).