
Improvements to mentions in Google Chat

What’s changing We know there are scenarios in which you may want to reference a person with an @mention without adding them to a conversation in Google Chat. Starting today, when mentioning a user that is not already in the conversation, you will have the option to add them and send the message, or just send the ...

Table reference improvements in Google Sheets

What’s changingSince introducing tables in Google Sheets, we’ve made numerous improvements to ensure users are equipped with the tools they need to accelerate spreadsheet building. Table references, a way to refer to a table or parts of a table in a formula, are just one example of how tables reduce time spent ...

Adding granular control options for who can respond to Google Forms

What’s changingLast year, we ​​introduced a beta that gives Google Forms creators more granular control over who can respond to their forms via sharing settings. Previously, form creators had two sharing options: restrict responses to users within their domain (and trusted domains) or make forms public (i.e. ...

NotebookLM Plus now available to Google Workspace customers

What’s changingToday, we’re announcing that NotebookLM Plus, our newest and most advanced version of NotebookLM, is available to Gemini for Google Workspace customers. In addition to what's already included with NotebookLM, which we introduced in September, this enhanced version allows users to: Get 5x more Audio ...