Create birthdays in Google Calendar

Qué está cambiando 

Currently, Google Calendar automatically pulls in birthday information from Google Contacts. However, it is not currently possible to create birthday events directly in Calendar. 
To ensure a birthday is never missed, we’re introducing the ability to create and modify birthday events in Google Calendar on Android devices. 
For developers, newly created birthday events will be available in the Calendar API with the eventType “birthday.” Both Eventos.lista y will support the “birthday” event type filter and return “birthday” events by default. Only a subset of the event properties will be supported for birthday events. To learn more, see our developer guide about working with the birthday event type.

A quién afecta

Usuarios finales y desarrolladores 

Más información 

Birthday events do not support all event properties. If you’re using the Calendar API, we recommend reviewing your code so you don’t apply any non-supported properties. 
Creating dedicated birthday events in Google Calendar will also become available on web and iOS devices in the future. 

Para empezar 

Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. End users: There is no end user setting for this feature. Visit the Help Center to learn more about managing birthdays on your calendar. Developers: Use our developer guide about working with the birthday event type. 

Ritmo de implantación 

Dominios de liberación rápida: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on September 19, 2024Dominios de liberación programada: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on October 9, 2024 
Dominios de Liberación Rápida y Liberación Programada: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on September 24, 2024 


Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. 
