Developers can now add form field validation to Google Workspace add-ons and Google Chat app cards

Qué está cambiando

Starting today, Workspace add-ons and Chat app developers can add client-side input validation to Chat apps and add-ons. 
Specifically, the card UI now supports required form field validation on the date-time picker, the multi select menu, the drop down menu and text input widgets via the Action API for add-ons y Chat apps. Additionally, text inputs now support input type and format validation with input length limits via the Validation API for add-ons y Chat apps
As a result, developers can ensure data accuracy and improve their app’s user experience by catching errors before information is submitted. 
Example of the form validating if the user has populated all the required fields before submitting a form.

Example of the form validating if the user has populated all the required fields before submitting a form.
Example of the form validating the input type for text fields. The supported types are text, integers, decimals, email and emoji.

Example of the form validating the input type for text fields. The supported types are text, integers, decimals, email and emoji.
Example of the form limiting the allowed text input length to a specified length.

Example of the form limiting the allowed text input length to a specified length.

Para empezar 

Ritmo de implantación


  • Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace 
