Introducing the ability to ‘grade all’ in Google Classroom

Qué está cambiando 

En 2023, we expanded grading systems in Google Classroom and in 2024 we added a ‘missing’ grade state to Gradebook. To further improve upon grading options for teachers and give them the ability to perform bulk grading, we’re introducing ‘grade all’. 
With this new feature, teachers can quickly and efficiently grade all students’ work on the Gradebook page by selecting ‘grade all’. They can also choose to override existing grades and automatically return them to students after grading. 
Not only does this update save time by eliminating the need to enter each student’s grade one-by-one, but it also provides a solution to grading assignments based on completion rather than accuracy (such as exit tickets, due nows, classwork, etc.) where the grade is binary (‘0’ or ‘100’). 
bulk grading in Classroom

A quién afecta 

Usuarios finales 

Por qué es importante

‘Grade all’ enables teachers to score faster and save time, ultimately making grading more efficient. 

Para empezar 

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • Usuarios finales: 
    • Once a teacher has set up grading, they can follow these steps to grade all: 
      • Go to Google Classroom > Gradebook > In the 3 dot menu for an assignment click “Grade all” > In the dialog that opens, input the bulk grade 
        • [Optional] Select “Override existing grades” to override existing grades with the new bulk grade 
        • [Optional] Select “Automatically return after grading” to return all grades after submitting the new bulk grade. 
    • Visite el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre calificar y devolver un trabajo. 

Ritmo de implantación 


  • Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace, suscriptores individuales de Workspace y usuarios con cuentas personales de Google. 
