Clearer re-enrolment for Google Meet hardware devices

What's changing

We're updating the way Google Meet hardware devices are re-enrolled to provide a more intuitive experience for administrators.

Previously, if a device was re-enrolled without first being deprovisioned, the Admin console would reuse its existing record and device ID - this is changing: 

Starting July 17, 2024, if you re-enroll a device without first deprovisioning it, the Admin console will create a completely new record with a new device ID. The old record will still be there, and you'll need to deprovision it to free up its licence. Settings from the old record won't automatically carry over to the new one.

Getting started

Admins: Visit the Help Center to familiarise yourself with the process for re-enrolling a deviceas well as our developer documentationEnd users: There is no end user impact or action required.

Rollout pace

Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on July 17, 2024


This update impacts all Google Workspace customers with Meet Hardware devices.
