Como criar uma assinatura no GMAIL?

How do I create a GMAIL subscription?

Email signatures are small blocks of text that are automatically added to the end of outgoing email messages. Here are the steps for creating a signature in Google Workspace: Login to Gmail: Log in to your Google Workspace account. Open Gmail. Access the ...

Improved search query suggestions in Google Chat web

What's changingIn conjunction with recent updates to search in Google Chat, we're introducing enhanced search query suggestions, a feature already available on mobile, that helps you find the right message, person, file, or space in Chat on the web. When searching in Chat, you will now see query suggestions based ...

Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap - November 17, 2023

4 New updatesUnless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage ...

Read and write out of office and focus time events using the Calendar API

What's changing In addition to reading and writing working location data, we're expanding the Calendar API functionality to encompass out of office and focus time data. Developers can use the API to read and write this information and synchronise users' availability with external systems. For example, you can use ...

Star important messages in Google Chat

What's changingFollowing the recent announcement of home and mentions in Google Chat, we're excited to introduce starred on web, an additional shortcut in the redesigned navigation panel that helps you stay on top of your most important messages in Chat. Who's impacted End users Why you'd use it This feature ...