Google Cloud Directory Sync now complies with your conflicting accounts management settings

What's changing 

When Google Cloud Directory Sync (GCDS) attempts to create new users, it may encounter unmanaged accounts that conflict with the accounts it's attempting to create. In these instances, GCDS will now comply with the conflicting accounts management settings specified in the Admin console. This update helps reduce the time spent migrating user accounts to business accounts, helping to accelerate the adoption of Google Workspace and Google Cloud. Visit the Help Centre for specific information on how GCDS will handle conflicting accounts based on your configured settings

Getting started 

Google Cloud Directory Sync will automatically respect your existing Admin console settings for handling conflicting unmanaged accounts. We do not recommend turning this feature off in GCDS, rather you should configure these settings as you see fit in the Admin console. Visit the Help Centre to learn more about handling conflicting unmanaged accounts with Google Cloud Directory Syncas well as unmanaged accounts in general. End users: Depending on your admin configuration: You'll be invited to transfer your account - if accepted, your admin will have the ability to manage your account. If you do not accept the request, your admin may replace your unmanaged account with a managed one. In that case, you'll receive a new address and retain your content in this unmanaged, personal Google account. 

Rollout pace


Available for all Google Workspace customers 
