Third-party smart chips now available in Google Sheets

Qué está cambiando 

El año pasado, we introduced the ability to pull rich data from apps directly into Google Docs with third-party smart chips. Since then, many users have embedded content from partner apps, including Asana, Jira y Confluence, Canva, Lucid, Loom, Whimsicaly Zoho Proyectos, and now we’re expanding the capability to Google Sheets. 
Starting today, users can add chips inteligentes that pull information from third party apps into Sheets. Users can also paste third-party chips inserted in Docs directly into a spreadsheet. 
Para acceder chips inteligentes de tercerosun administrador o usuario debe instalar primero el complemento de un socio desde la sección Google Workspace Marketplace. After that, simply paste a link from the third-party source into your spreadsheet and click “tab”. You will then see a smart chip populate in your sheet that previews critical information from the app, right in the flow of your work. 

Para empezar 

Admins: You can only create and use a third-party smart chip if a developer has enabled it for that application. You will also need to install or allowlist the specific add-on for that application to ensure end users have access. Visit the Help Center to learn how to install Marketplace apps in your domain y managing Google Workspace Marketplace apps. Desarrolladores: visiten el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre how to make third-party smart chips. End users: Specific add-ons for third-party applications must be installed by your admin or allowlisted for you to use this feature. Visit the Help Center to learn more about inserting third-party smart chips from other applications. To convert a link to a third-party into a smart chip, you can either: Paste a link from the third-party source into your spreadsheet and select “tab” Replace the link with a chip within the hover card that appears when you place your cursor over the link. Users who have installed a third-party add-on will see a hovercard of information defined by the third-party upon hovering over the chip: 
Visite el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre insertar chips inteligentes de terceros procedentes de otras aplicaciones. 

Ritmo de implantación

Dominios de liberación rápida: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on October 8, 2024 Dominios de publicación previstos: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on October 28, 2024 


Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace, suscriptores individuales de Workspace y usuarios con cuentas personales de Google. 


Easily find and connect to featured partner apps from the Google Workspace Marketplace

Qué está cambiando 

We’re adding a new category within the Google Workspace Marketplace: Featured partner apps. Here, you can quickly find and install the most popular Google Workspace apps.

Para empezar

Administradores: visiten el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre controlar el acceso de los usuarios a las aplicaciones del Marketplace y installing Google Workspace Marketplace apps.
Usuarios finales: Use this link to browse our featured partner apps in the Google Workspace Marketplace and this Help Center article about browsing the Google Workspace Marketplace. Depending on your Admin configuration, you may or may not  be able to install apps yourself or apps may be installed for you by your admin.

Improve Google Meet livestreaming experience with more insight on eCDN performance

Qué está cambiando 

In July 2024, we introduced Enterprise Content Delivery Network (eCDN) support for Google Meet, which helps reduce live streaming bandwidth consumption to a fraction of the traffic volume. Today, we are announcing enhancements that will give admins greater insight to better optimize their eCDN configuration. 
eCDN is deployed according to settings and rules configured by admins to control and optimize peering across their network topology. Beginning today, admins can turn on client debug logs in the Admin console to get detailed information and better understand how configurations affect the way clients use eCDN in different parts of their private network. This information includes:
Device status: information about the client’s current state.Network: information about the network assigned to the client (potentially through a custom rule configuration).Stats: performance information about how the client has used the eCDN such as transfer rates and peer connections.

A quién afecta


Por qué utilizarlo

Understanding how peering rules affect the way clients use eCDN is vital for achieving bandwidth savings targets. Access to detailed information lets administrators deploy eCDN faster across their subnets while all the time being able to monitor that their rules have the intended effect. Additionally, in cases where support is needed, the information contained in the debug logs helps with troubleshooting to resolve issues faster.

Para empezar

Administradores: visiten el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre accessing client debug logs for eCDN performance informationasí como Cómo activar eCDN para Meet en su organización.

Usuarios finales: No es necesaria ninguna acción por parte del usuario final.

Available in open beta: Easily migrate files from Microsoft OneDrive to Google Drive

Qué está cambiando

Under the umbrella of our data migration services, we’re introducing a new file migration service for Admins to transfer files between OneDrive data to Google Drive for up to 100 users at a time. Available directly under the Admin console, super admins can now migrate all your files and folders, as well as their corresponding access permissions with shared members. Starting a migration entails a few simple steps:

First, connect to the Microsoft OneDrive account you want to transfer files fromNext, set the migration scope by identifying the email addresses of Microsoft OneDrive users that you wish to migrate.Finally, create an identity map to connect users on the source account to users on the target account.

Admin console > Data > Data import & export > Data migration > Go to data migration > Microsoft OneDrive
The console will provide reporting on the migration progression and metrics such as how many users have been processed, how many files have been migrated or skipped, and more. You’ll also have the option to export a migration report to further investigate errors and access troubleshooting tips directly from the tool. You can also make delta updates to migrate any new files that were added or updated after a previous migration. 
Example of a completed migration

A quién afecta


Por qué utilizarlo 

Data migrations play a critical role in ensuring a seamless transition between various tools and Google Workspace for both admins and end users. Workspace now offers a first party solution that allows our customers to migrate their data at scale, and without the need for third-party workarounds or on-premises infrastructure. This will significantly reduce the overall migration process and onboarding time to Google Workspace, saving customers considerable administrative and infrastructural costs. Additionally, it ensures minimal interruption for end users, who will be able to access all of their files and documents within Google Drive.

Para empezar

Admins: This feature is available in open beta – no additional sign-up is required to use the feature. This migration can only be performed by super admins. Visit the Help Center to learn more about migrating files from a OneDrive account.End users: There is no end user action required.

Ritmo de implantación

Ámbitos de liberación rápida y liberación programada: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility] starting on October 11, 2024 with anticipated completion by early November.


Disponible para Google Workspace 
Business Starter, Standard, and PlusEnterprise Standard and PlusEducation Fundamentals, Standard, Plus, and the Teaching and Learning UpgradeEssentials Starter and Essentials,Enterprise Essentials, and Enterprise Essentials PlusNonprofits


Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap – October 11, 2024

1 New update

A menos que se indique lo contrario, las funciones que se indican a continuación están disponibles para todos los clientes de Google Workspace y se han lanzado completamente o están en proceso de despliegue. Las implantaciones no deberían tardar más de 15 días laborables en completarse si se lanzan a ambos tipos de clientes. Liberación rápida y programada al mismo tiempo. Si no es así, cada etapa de la implantación no debería tardar más de 15 días laborables en completarse.

Create an email for a Google Chat space from the Admin console  
A principios de este año, we introduced a new feature that enables users to send emails to spaces in Google Chat. When this launched, existing Google Group policies determined by the domain admin were respected. For example, if the admin restricted group creation in their organization, users would also be restricted from generating emails for spaces in Chat. To improve upon this experience, we’re happy to announce that admins can now create an email for a space from the Admin console. To do so, navigate to Google Chat > ‘Manage spaces’ > select a space > ‘Space settings’ > click ‘Generate email’ to create an email address for the space. In addition, email conversations sent to spaces will now show replies in a thread instead of as separate cards in the message stream. | The Admin console update is rolling out now to Ámbitos de liberación rápida y liberación programada. Threading for emails in spaces will rollout to Ámbitos de liberación rápida y liberación programada starting on October 17, 2024. | Available to all Google Workspace customers. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about envío de correos electrónicos a espacios en Chat.
Generating an email in the Admin console

Anuncios anteriores

Los anuncios que figuran a continuación se publicaron en el blog Actualizaciones del espacio de trabajo a principios de esta semana. Consulte las entradas originales del blog para obtener más información.
New document tabs in Google Docs provide a better way to organize your documents 
We’ve introduced document tabs in Google Docs, a new feature to help you organize longer documents, centralize information, and make collaboration easier. | Learn more about tabs in Docs. 
New and improved widgets for Google Chat app cards 
This week, we introduced new and improved widgets for Chat app cards. | Learn more about widgets for Chat app cards. 
Ask responders for a rating in Google Forms 
To add to the list of question types that users can respond to in Google Forms and enable the collection of feedback in a more engaging way, we’re introducing a rating question type. | Learn more about rating questions in Forms.
Send video messages in Google Chat 
We’re introducing video messages in Chat, a new capability that helps you save time, convey more information, add tone or emphasis, and can be useful in a number of scenarios. | Learn more about video messages in Chat. 
Transcriptions now available for voice messages in Google Chat 
Users will now be able to see an automatic transcription of voice messages in Chat on web and mobile. | Learn more about Chat transcriptions. 
Automate meeting recording, transcripts and notes for your Google Meet meetings 
Admins now have the option to configure meeting recordings, meeting transcripts, and “take notes for me” as on by default for newly created meetings. Meeting hosts and co-hosts can edit these settings in the Calendar invite, as well as turn these artifacts off during the meeting. | Learn more about automating meeting recordings, transcripts and notes for meetings. 
Third-party smart chips now available in Google Sheets
Users can now add smart chips that pull information from third party apps into Sheets, and also paste third-party chips inserted in Docs directly into a spreadsheet. | Learn more about third-party smart chips in Sheets. 
Easily find and connect to featured partner apps from the Google Workspace Marketplace 
We’re adding a new category within the Google Workspace Marketplace: Featured partner apps. Here, you can quickly find and install the most popular Google Workspace apps. | Learn more about partner apps Marketplace.
Available in open beta: Easily migrate files from Microsoft OneDrive to Google Drive
Under the umbrella of our data migration services, we’re introducing a new file migration service for Admins to transfer files between OneDrive data to Google Drive for up to 100 users at a time. | Learn more about migrating files from OneDrive to Google Drive.
Improve Google Meet livestreaming experience with more insight on eCDN performance
We’re enhancements that will give admins greater insight to better optimize their eCDN configuration. | Learn more about Meet livestreaming. 

Lanzamientos finalizados

Las siguientes funciones han completado su despliegue en Dominios de liberación rápida, dominios de liberación programadao ambos. Para más información, consulte las entradas originales del blog.

Dominios de liberación rápida: 
Dominios de liberación programada: 
Dominios de liberación rápida y programada: 

Para recapitular los anuncios de los últimos seis meses, consulte Novedades de Google Workspace (versiones recientes)).