HIPAA and additional ISO certifications for the Gemini app on web and mobile

Qué está cambiando

We’re pleased to announce the attainment of HIPAA, ISO 27701, 27017, 27018, 9001y 42001 certifications for the Gemini app on web and mobile. These certifications give customers the peace of mind that data (including personally identifiable, financial and medical information) submitted to or generated by the Gemini app will be handled in accordance with recognized security controls and privacy frameworks.

With these certifications, Gemini for Workspace and the Gemini app each have a comprehensive set of safety, privacy and security certifications internationally recognized by regulatory and compliance bodies.

The achievement of ISO 42001, the world’s first international standard for Artificial Intelligence Management Systems (AIMS), certifies that Gemini has been developed, deployed, and maintained responsibly with appropriate ethical considerations, data governance, and transparency. To date, no other generative AI offering for productivity and collaboration has met this level of recognition, showing that Gemini is the first in the industry ready to support businesses and public sector organizations while benefiting all users.

Más información

Para empezar

Ritmo de implantación

  • Available now


Disponible para clientes de Google Workspace con estos complementos:
  • Géminis Empresas
  • Géminis Empresa
  • Géminis Education
  • Géminis Education Premium
Available for Google Workspace customers accessing the Gemini app as a core service with these editions:
  • Empresas Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus
  • Empresa Starter, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus
  • Frontline Starter, Frontline Standard
  • Essentials, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus
  • Google Workspace for Nonprofits
  • Education Standard, Education Plus

Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap – December 6, 2024

3 Nuevas actualizaciones

A menos que se indique lo contrario, las funciones que se indican a continuación están disponibles para todos los clientes de Google Workspace y se han lanzado completamente o están en proceso de despliegue. Las implantaciones no deberían tardar más de 15 días laborables en completarse si se lanzan a ambos tipos de clientes. Liberación rápida y programada al mismo tiempo. Si no es así, cada etapa de la implantación no debería tardar más de 15 días laborables en completarse.

Adding improved accessibility tagging to PDFs exported from Google Docs 
To improve the ability for users with screen readers and other assistive technology to read and navigate PDFs, we’re adding more structural and accessibility tagging in PDFs exported from Google Docs. Specifically, we’ve improved tagging for paragraphs, headings, hyperlinks, image alt text, and lists. | Rolling out now to Ámbitos de liberación rápida y liberación programada. | Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about using Google Docs with a screen reader.

Improving out of office notifications in Google Chat group messages and spaces 
Today, if you navigate to a 1:1 direct message with someone who is out of office, you will see a banner that shows the person is out of office and the date they are returning. We’re excited to announce that this banner will now extend to group messages and spaces. | Rollout to Ámbitos de liberación rápida y liberación programada is complete. | Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about mentioning someone else in a Chat message

Improving out of office notifications in Google Chat group messages and spaces

Easily discover Google Workspace Marketplace apps in Google Docs
We’re making it easier for users to discover and install relevant add-ons and apps available in the Google Workspace Marketplace. Starting this week, when you add a link into a Google Doc that is supported by select Marketplace apps, you will be prompted to install the relevant add-on. Once installed, you can replace the link with a third-party smart chip and preview relevant app information upon hovering over the chip. | Rollout to Dominios de liberación rápida se ha completado; lanzar a Dominios de publicación previstos planned for December 10, 2024. | Available to Google Workspace customers, Google Workspace Individual subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about insertar chips inteligentes de terceros procedentes de otras aplicaciones.

Anuncios anteriores

Los anuncios que figuran a continuación se publicaron en el blog Actualizaciones del espacio de trabajo a principios de esta semana. Consulte las entradas originales del blog para obtener más información.

Now generally available: Policy visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Vids and Drive
Earlier this year, we introduced a beta for policy visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive. This is now generally available, and as a result, users who are interacting with policy-protected content, such as those with data loss prevention (DLP) rules or trust rules, will now be informed about what actions are prevented by those policies. | Learn more about visualización de políticas. 
New beta that supports running Google Drive on Arm-compatible Windows PCs now available 
We’re excited to announce beta support for Drive for desktop on Windows 11 devices powered by Snapdragon processors. Compiled natively for ARM64, this release enables users to easily sync and store files online from Windows PCs powered by Snapdragon. | Learn more about the beta for running Google Drive on Arm-compatible Windows PCs.
Now generally available: configure third-party apps by select API scopes 
Earlier this year, we launched the ability to configure third-party apps by select API scopes to open beta. This feature is now generally available. | Learn more about configuring third-party apps by select API scopes. 
Available in beta: Convert your client-side encrypted spreadsheets after a Vault or Takeout export 
After a Vault or Data export (Takeout), admins can now convert their exported client-side encrypted spreadsheets to Excel files. | Learn more about CSE spreadsheets. 
Adding granular control options for who can respond to Google Forms
Form creators can limit response access to specific users, groups, or target audiences—similar to how file owners can restrict the sharing of Google Docs, Sheets, Slides or Sites in Drive. | Learn more about controls on Form responses.
Assign Calendar resources to organizational units 
Admins can now assign Calendar resources, such as rooms, projectors, or company cars, to specific organizational units. Upon doing so, the resource will be governed by the policies and settings of the assigned organizational unit (OU), including data location policies. | Learn more about assigning Calendar resources. 
Request an eSignature on PDF files 
You can now request electronic signatures on PDF files stored in Google Drive. | Learn more about eSignature on PDF files. 
Tackle repetitive tasks, extract deeper insights, and more with the latest premade Gems in the Gemini app 
We’re introducing several new Gems which you can leverage across a variety of areas, including common use cases for teams across sales, customer service, marketing, human resources, and more. | Learn more about premade Gems in the Gemini app. 
HIPAA and additional ISO certifications for the Gemini app on web and mobile 
We’re pleased to announce the attainment of HIPAA, ISO 27701, 27017, 27018, 9001, and 42001 certifications for the Gemini app on web and mobile.| Learn more about certifications for the Gemini app on web and mobile.

Lanzamientos finalizados

Las siguientes funciones han completado su despliegue en Dominios de liberación rápida, dominios de liberación programadao ambos. Para más información, consulte las entradas originales del blog.

Dominios de liberación rápida: 
Dominios de liberación programada: 

Dominios de liberación rápida y programada: 

Para recapitular los anuncios de los últimos seis meses, consulte Novedades de Google Workspace (versiones recientes)).

Create and manage rubrics using the Google Classroom API

Qué está cambiando 

En Google Classroom API enables third-party developers to manage classes, rosters, invitations and more in Google Classroom. Since 2019, teachers have been able to create or reuse a rubric for an assignment, however this capability did not previously exist in the Classroom API. To improve upon this experience, we’re excited to announce that developers can now manage assignment rubrics via the API del aula
More specifically, developers can read and write rubrics using the API, and also see student submission scores broken down by the corresponding rubric criteria, rather than just accessing the total score, enabling deeper insights into student performance. 
Create and manage rubrics using the Google Classroom API

A quién afecta

Administradores y desarrolladores 

Por qué es importante 

This update enables developers to create and manage rubrics on behalf of teachers at scale, and retrieve rubric-based grades to support more holistic student performance insights. 

Para empezar

Ritmo de implantación 

  • Ya está disponible. 


Disponible para Google Workspace: 
  • Education Más 


Now generally available: Policy visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Vids and Drive

Qué está cambiando 

A principios de este año, we introduced a beta for policy visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive. Today, we’re excited to announce this is now generally available, and as a result, users who are interacting with policy-protected content, such as those with data loss prevention (DLP) rules or normas fiduciarias, will now be informed about what actions are prevented by those policies. 
For example, if a user is interacting with a document affected by DLP-enforced information rights management (IRM) and a trust rule, they will see a shield icon and side panel that informs them of the restricted actions. 
Policy visualization across Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Vids and Drive

A quién afecta

Usuarios finales 

Por qué es importante 

With this update, users will be made aware of which actions they are taking that are disabled on a document, spreadsheet, slides or file due to data protection controls. 

Para empezar

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • Usuarios finales: 
    • Any user will be able to see policy visualization if relevant restrictions apply to them. Security limitations can be applied by owners of a document, shared drive policies, or admin policies. 
    • A shield icon will automatically appear when security controls are present. Users can open the side panel to view all restrictions, either using the shield icon or by going to File > Security limitations. 
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about Policy Visualization and the policies themselves: 

Ritmo de implantación 


  • Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace, suscriptores individuales de Workspace y usuarios con cuentas personales de Google.


Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap – November 29, 2024

2 Nuevas actualizaciones

A menos que se indique lo contrario, las funciones que se indican a continuación están disponibles para todos los clientes de Google Workspace y se han lanzado completamente o están en proceso de despliegue. Las implantaciones no deberían tardar más de 15 días laborables en completarse si se lanzan a ambos tipos de clientes. Liberación rápida y programada al mismo tiempo. Si no es así, cada etapa de la implantación no debería tardar más de 15 días laborables en completarse.

Drag and drop contacts in the addressee fields when composing an email on your Android device 

When writing an email in the Gmail app on your Android device, you can now drag and drop contacts in the addressee fields. This makes it easier for you to move an email address between the “to,” “cc,” and “bcc” fields. | Rollout to Dominios de liberación rápida y dominios de liberación programada is complete. | Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts.

Drag and drop contacts in the addressee fields when composing an email on your Android device
Expanding row limits in Connected Sheets for Looker 
A principios de este año, we increased the maximum number of rows of results returned from BigQuery to 100,000 for pivot tables. This week, we’re expanding this to Connected Sheets for Looker by increasing the maximum number of rows of results returned from Looker to 100,000 for pivot tables. With this update, users can analyze even more results in Sheets from the petabytes of data in Looker. | Rolling out to Ámbitos de liberación rápida y liberación programada now. | Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about Connected Sheets for Looker.

Anuncios anteriores

Los anuncios que figuran a continuación se publicaron en el blog Actualizaciones del espacio de trabajo a principios de esta semana. Consulte las entradas originales del blog para obtener más información.

The Gemini mobile app is now available for Google Workspace users
The Gemini mobile app for Android and iOS devices is now available for Google Workspace users accessing Gemini as a core service. | Learn more about the Gemini mobile app.
Introducing huddles: instant-on, audio-first meetings in Google Chat
In continuing our effort to make Google Chat your home for team collaboration, we’re excited to introduce a fast and flexible way to connect: huddles. Powered by Google Meet, huddles let you start an audio-first meeting, making real-time collaboration easier than ever. Once the huddle has started, you can resize or drag the window, add video, or share your screen for a fuller meeting experience while multitasking in Chat. | Learn more about huddles in Chat.

Lanzamientos finalizados

Las siguientes funciones han completado su despliegue en Dominios de liberación rápida, dominios de liberación programadao ambos. Para más información, consulte las entradas originales del blog.

Dominios de liberación rápida: 
Dominios de liberación rápida y programada: 

Introducing huddles: instant-on, audio-first meetings in Google Chat

Qué está cambiando

In continuing our effort to make Google Chat your home for team collaboration, we’re excited to introduce a fast and flexible way to connect: huddles. 
Powered by Google Meet, huddles let you start an audio-first meeting, making real-time collaboration easier than ever. Once the huddle has started, you can resize or drag the window, add video, or share your screen for a fuller meeting experience while multitasking in Chat. 
Huddles provide a seamless collaboration experience across Chat and Meet, and can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as two colleagues syncing quickly to discuss a project they’ve been messaging about in their Chat stream. 
starting a huddle in google chat

A quién afecta 

Usuarios finales 

Por qué utilizarlo 

Huddles help to reduce meeting fatigue for hybrid workers, and eliminates the need for lengthy discussions over email or in Chat. Instead of jumping out of the conversation and into a meeting, huddles integrates directly and smoothly into the Chat experience. The format of huddles also supports multi-tasking while in Chat as you can easily resize or share your screen. 

Más información

The Meet video button that’s currently in the compose bar of Chat is moving to the Chat header, giving you multiple options such as the ability to call, start a huddle, or share a Meet link through a single entry point. 

Para empezar 

  • Admins: If Meet is turned OFF for users in your domain, they will not be able to create Huddles, but they can join Huddles. Visit the Help Center to learn more about turning on Meet meetings and calls for your organization. 
  • Usuarios finales:
    • Huddles are available in direct messages, group messages and spaces. 
    • To start a huddle in Chat, click the Video icon in the top right corner of your chat message > select Start a huddle. 
      • Huddles start audio only as default but you can turn video on at any moment. 
    • When you’re requested to join a huddle, you will see a chat chip in your message thread that says [user] has started a huddle, click “Join” to enter the huddle. You will also see the huddles toggle in the Chat header for that conversation. 
    • Visite el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre huddles in Google Chat. 

Ritmo de implantación 


Disponible para Google Workspace: 
  • Empresas Starter, Standard, and Plus 
  • Empresa Starter, Standard, and Plus 
  • Frontline Starter and Standard 
  • Essentials, Enterprise Essentials, and Enterprise Essentials Plus 
  • Nonprofits 


Table reference improvements in Google Sheets

Qué está cambiando

Since introducing tablas en Google Sheets, we’ve made numerous improvements to ensure users are equipped with the tools they need to accelerate spreadsheet building. Table references, a way to refer to a table or parts of a table in a formula, are just one example of how tables reduce time spent manually formatting data. 
Today, we’re excited to announce updates to table references that enhance discoverability and usability. Specifically, users will now see: 
  • Improved table reference availability, which allows users to reference the items below across both single (e.g., =Table2[[#ALL],[Column 1]]) and multiple columns (e.g., =Table2[[#ALL],[Column 1]:[Column 2]] ): 
    • Full table columns, including column headers, data, and footers (#ALL) 
    • Table headers (#HEADERS) 
    • Table footers (#TOTALS) 
    • Table data, excluding headers and footers (#DATA) 
      Improved table reference availability
  • Formula suggestions, which help you identify formulas that could be more robust. For example, if a user types a working formula that overlaps with a table range, a table reference suggestion will show. 
Formula suggestions
  • Formula corrections for table references, which show a formula correction with a proper table reference when a formula is written incorrectly. 
Formula corrections

Para empezar 

Ritmo de implantación 


  • Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace, los suscriptores de Google Workspace Individual y los usuarios con cuentas personales de Google.


Automatic framing is now available to everyone in Google Meet video calls, plus an improved experience when using virtual backgrounds

Quick summary 

In 2022, we introduced automatic framing for select Google Workspace editions. Beginning today, we’re pleased to announce that we’re expanding this functionality to all users, as well as introducing an improved experience while using a virtual background. This feature will be on by default. 
Depending on their camera placement, some meeting participants might be less visible than others. With automatic framing, Google Meet will automatically center your video before joining a meeting to help ensure equal visibility for all participants. The automatic framing happens only once, so there are no motion distractions that can divert attention from the content of the meeting. Additionally, Meet will now continuously keep you centered when using a virtual background, ensuring your background is fixed and not constantly reframing which can be distracting.
Meet frames you in the center of the screen to improve your visibility

Para empezar

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.
  • Usuarios finales: This feature will be ON by default and can be turned off by the user. 
  • Visite el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre turning video framing on or off for your account. Note when no virtual background is used, you can manually reframe the video at any time by hovering over your video tile and clicking reframe.

Ritmo de implantación


  • Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace, suscriptores individuales de Workspace y usuarios con cuentas personales de Google.


Educators can now request access to third-party apps for their students

Qué está cambiando

We’re introducing a new workflow that allows educators to request access to unconfigured third-party apps on behalf of their students.

Admins can allow educators and users who are over 18 years of age to request access to apps for themselves or on behalf of others (proxy requests). For example, admins may create a group of trusted users who are responsible for vetting third party apps and allow them to make proxy requests on behalf of students.

Educators can view a list of apps they have recently accessed with their Google Workspace account and request access for their students.
Admins can review and take action on these requests in the Admin console by going to Security > API Controls > App Access Control. Requests will be denoted with a “Proxy”  label when the request is made on behalf of another user. 

Once admins have configured access, they can opt to notify users and/or users who made proxy requests via email about the outcome of their request.

A quién afecta

Administradores y usuarios finales

Por qué es importante

Administrators can now allow a group of trusted users to vet and request third party app access on behalf of other users. This allows admins to better control who requests access and create a more streamlined process for app approvals.

Para empezar

Ritmo de implantación


  • Available for Google Workspace Education Fundamentals, Standard, Plus, and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade


More ways to get started quickly with building blocks in Google Docs

Qué está cambiando 

For the last few years, users have added building blocks, including custom blocks, to their Google Docs to quickly spin up email drafts, meeting notes, reusable templates and more. 
Today, we’re excited to introduce a new collection of building blocks designed to help you manage important business workflows in Docs, including team task management, project tracking, hiring, and more. 
  • Task trackers quickly add and track tasks at a glance with titles, assignees, due dates, and status, in a cleanly organized format. Additionally, users can add their own columns for more personalization, and new tasks with an assignee and title can be synced with Google Tasks individually or by syncing the whole table at once: 

task tracker building block
  • Use a Contact list to organize contact information for applicants, sales contacts, team members, project assignments and more. Contact lists offer a structured table format that breaks out critical contact information into glanceable columns that are clear and easier to read: 
contact list building block
  • Decision logs centralize open questions, aid in decision-making, and organize final decisions in an easily-digestible table. With decision logs, teams can quickly align around a single source of truth with clear owners: 
decision log building block

Get started with building blocks by clicking the buttons at the top of a newly created document or via Insert > Building blocks. In addition, a new Docs sidebar, accessible by going to Insert > Building blocks > View more o by clicking “More” at the top of a new document, makes it easier to browse, find, and preview building blocks in context: 

browse, find, and preview building blocks in docs sidebar
Lastly, we’re improving table building blocks by adding table title rows, a formatted, full-width row with heading styling. Table title rows allow you to clearly call out a visually appealing table name and saves you time from formatting manually. The new column types will set a data type (dates, dropdown chips, files or people) and provide friendly warnings when table content does not match, ensuring your table data is accurate and organized. 

Para empezar 

Ritmo de implantación 


  • Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace, suscriptores individuales de Workspace y usuarios con cuentas personales de Google. 
    • Note: the Task Tracker building block is available to Google Workspace customers and Workspace Individual Subscribers only. 
