Granular OAuth consent in Google Apps Script IDE executions

Qué está cambiando

Google offers a wide variety of APIs that Google Apps Script developers can use to build features for Google users. The data access that these APIs can reference is governed by the OAuth scopes of each Workspace application, which users are required to authorize before a script can run. Historically, the OAuth consent screen has asked the user to authorize all of the necessary OAuth scopes to run a given script. 
This screenshot shows the current OAuth consent screen, which requires the user to authenticate all or none of the requested OAuth scopes.
This screenshot shows the old OAuth consent screen, which requires the user to authenticate all or none of the requested OAuth scopes.

Starting today, the OAuth consent screen will now let users specify which individual OAuth scopes they would like to authorize. For example, if a script requests access to a user’s Sheets and Forms files, and the users only intends to use the script with Sheets files, they can decide to only allow access to their spreadsheets and not their forms. This affords users the benefit of more granular control over what data their 3P applications are allowed to access.
This screenshot shows the new OAuth consent screen, which lets the user provide consent for a subset of the requested OAuth scopes.
This screenshot shows the new OAuth consent screen, which lets the user provide consent for a subset of the requested OAuth scopes.

Más información

To complement the release of this new consent flow, we’re also adding methods to the ScriptApp y AuthorizationInfo classes that let Apps Script developers programmatically interact with the scopes granted for a script. Refer to the developer documentation para más información.
After a user grants permission to a script, Apps Script might request OAuth consent again in the following cases: 
  • The user, who has granted consent to a subset of the requested OAuth scopes, tries to run a part of the script that was not previously authorized. 
  • The script is updated in such a way that it requires permission for additional scopes. 
  • The user revoked access to the script from their Google Account settings.

All past execution failures will be logged in the execution history. Each OAuth failure will contain a hyperlink that users can use to provide the permissions that were missing. 

Getting Started 

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • Developers and end users: 
    • Granular OAuth consent is only available for scripts that have finished migrating to the V8 runtime. If you would like to utilize granular consent on one of the few remaining Rhino scripts, you can manually migrate to V8 by following these instructions.
    • This new consent screen will only be used for new OAuth scope grants. Pre-existing scope grants will not be affected, so no action is required by users on scripts they’ve already authorized. 
    • The new consent screen will be launched first to the Apps Script IDE (i.e. executing a script directly from Apps Script). The consent screen will launch to the remaining surfaces in the future: 
      • Google Ads Script
      • Macro executions 
      • Trigger executions 
      • Web app executions 
      • API Executions 
      • Chat apps
      • Add-ons 

Ritmo de implantación 


  • Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace y suscriptores individuales de Workspace


Use Gemini to interact with PDFs in Google Drive’s overlay file previewer

Qué está cambiando

Earlier this year, we introduced the ability to use Gemini in Google Drive to interact with PDFs. To improve your viewing experience when reviewing PDFs from Drive, we’re excited to announce that Gemini in the side panel of Drive is now integrated into Drive’s overlay file previewer. 
As a result, you can seamlessly switch between multiple files while leveraging AI capabilities using Gemini in Drive to do things like: 
  • Admins: To access Gemini in the side panel of Workspace apps, users need to have smart features and personalization turned on. Admins can activar la configuración de personalización por defecto para sus usuarios en la consola de administración. 
  • Usuarios finales:
    • To access this feature, double-click on a PDF from the Google Drive file list and click on “Ask Gemini” (star button) in the top right corner. 
    • Note: When Gemini initially launched in Workspace, PDFs viewed in Drive opened in a new browser tab to allow interaction with the Gemini side panel. With this update, the default behavior will open a file in the overlay file previewer. If you prefer for PDFs to open in a new tab by default, you can update your PDF opening default behavior in your Drive settings. If you previously set a preferred PDF opening default behavior in your Drive setting, your default open behavior will remain the same. 
    • Visite el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre usando Gemini en Drive para trabajar con PDFs. 

Ritmo de implantación 


Disponible para clientes de Google Workspace con estos complementos: 

  • Géminis Empresas 
  • Géminis Empresa 
  • Géminis Education 
  • Géminis Education Premium 
  • Google One AI Premium 


Google Meet provides additional privacy for livestreaming with new eCDN On-Premises API

Qué está cambiando

Earlier this year, we introduced Enterprise Content Delivery Network (eCDN) to enhance livestreaming in  Google Meet. When configured by admins, eCDN has the potential to reduce bandwidth consumption to a fraction of the traffic volume through peer-assisted media delivery.

However, environments that have additional security requirements would not be able to benefit from the network traffic savings enabled by eCDN. That changes today with the introduction of the eCDN On-Premises API for Google Meet, which admins can use to configure their network for eCDN while keeping classified IP addresses and network information private. Specifically, IP addresses will be replaced with self-assigned peering group names and encrypted information for session description protocol (SDP) handshakes. This ensures that no IP information is shared with Google, so customers can take advantage of eCDN while adhering to their own security guidelines.

Admin console > Apps > Google Workspace > Google Meet > Meet video settings > eCDN

A quién afecta


Por qué es importante

The eCDN On-Premises API can be used to deploy eCDN for Google Meet live streaming in a way that allows the eCDN tracker service to optimize peering topologies without access to internal network information such as IP addresses or subnets. A customer-supplied service uses the API to replace all IP address information with arbitrary text labels. The service also manages encryption of SDP offers/answers using encryption keys that are never made available to Google. Any decryption needed by client peers is performed completely inside the customer’s own network. No network information is sent outside the organization’s network, not even to Google. This ensures that bandwidth-optimized media delivery via eCDN can also be implemented in sensitive environments without compromising organizations’ internal security guidelines.

Para empezar

Ritmo de implantación


  • Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace


Prevent the downloading, printing, or copying of files by all users with Enhanced IRM for Google Drive Data-Loss Prevention

Qué está cambiando 

Google Drive’s Information Rights Management (IRM) capability protects documents from data exfiltration actions, specifically downloading, printing, and copying. This is useful for making sure that sensitive content is protected from data leakage. 
Historically, this feature has only been applicable to users with either the “viewer” or “commenter” role, which has left administrators unable to apply the setting to users with either “owner” or “editor” roles. To address this, we’re expanding IRM to be applicable to all users, including file editors and owners, when it is applied by a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) rule.
The new Enhanced IRM action, as seen in the DLP Rule creation flow.

Más información

When an editor or owner is affected by IRM, they will retain the ability to copy and paste document content, but they may only do so within that document. Attempting to paste content outside of the document will not succeed. For more information, please refer to the help center content.

Para empezar

  • Admins: DLP rules and CAA levels are applied per-file based on how these rules are configured.
  • Usuarios finales: Only administrators can set IRM for all user roles on a file. File owners may still only set IRM for viewers and commenters. If a file has both an administrator-applied IRM setting and a file owner setting on it, the administrator setting takes priority. Once this feature is enabled, all entry points for downloading, printing, and copying will be removed from Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides on all platforms. Visit the Help Center to learn more about stopping, limiting, or changing how your files are shared.
A view of the file owner’s IRM setting when an overriding administrator setting is present.

Ritmo de implantación


  • IRM controls are available for all Google Workspace customers
  • Data Loss Prevention Rules and Context-Aware Access conditions are available for Google Workspace:
    • Empresa Standard and Plus
    • Education Fundamentals, Standard, Plus, and the Teaching and Learning add-on
    • Frontline Estándar
    • Empresa Essentials and Enterprise Essentials Plus


Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap – January 10, 2025

1 New update

A menos que se indique lo contrario, las funciones que se indican a continuación están disponibles para todos los clientes de Google Workspace y se han lanzado completamente o están en proceso de despliegue. Las implantaciones no deberían tardar más de 15 días laborables en completarse si se lanzan a ambos tipos de clientes. Liberación rápida y programada al mismo tiempo. Si no es así, cada etapa de la implantación no debería tardar más de 15 días laborables en completarse.

Local files now sync to Google Drive faster 
We’ve added support for differential uploads to Google Drive, which means when large files are edited, Drive for desktop will now upload only the parts of the file that changed. This highly-requested feature results in much faster Drive syncs. | Rollout to Dominios de liberación rápida y programada is complete. | Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about uploading files & folders to Google Drive.

Anuncios anteriores

Los anuncios que figuran a continuación se publicaron en el blog Actualizaciones del espacio de trabajo a principios de esta semana. Consulte las entradas originales del blog para obtener más información.

Granular OAuth consent in Google Apps Script IDE executions
The OAuth consent screen will now let users specify which individual OAuth scopes they would like to authorize. | Learn more about OAuth consent in Google Apps Script IDE executions. 
Use Gemini to interact with PDFs in Google Drive’s overlay file previewer 
Earlier this year, we introduced the ability to use Gemini in Google Drive to interact with PDFs. To improve your viewing experience when reviewing PDFs from Drive, we’re excited to announce that Gemini in the side panel of Drive is now integrated into Drive’s overlay file previewer. | Learn more about Gemini and Drive’s overlay file previewer. 
Google Meet provides additional privacy for livestreaming with new eCDN On-Premises API 
Admins can now use the eCDN On-Premises API for Google Meet to configure their network for eCDN while keeping classified IP addresses and network information private. | Learn more about the new eCDN On-Premises API
Prevent the downloading, printing, or copying of files by all users with Enhanced IRM for Google Drive Data-Loss Prevention
We’re expanding IRM to be applicable to all users, including file editors and owners, when it is applied by a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) rule. | Learn more about Enhanced IRM for Google Drive Data-Loss Prevention.

Lanzamientos finalizados

Las siguientes funciones han completado su despliegue en Dominios de liberación rápida, dominios de liberación programadao ambos. Para más información, consulte las entradas originales del blog.

Dominios de liberación rápida: 
Dominios de liberación programada: 
Dominios de liberación rápida y programada: 

Rollouts en pausa

Hemos interrumpido el despliegue de esta función mientras evaluamos el rendimiento y la calidad. En cuanto sea posible, actualizaremos la información sobre el nuevo despliegue.

Para recapitular los anuncios de los últimos seis meses, consulte Novedades de Google Workspace (versiones recientes)). 

Introducing the ability to ‘grade all’ in Google Classroom

Qué está cambiando 

En 2023, we expanded grading systems in Google Classroom and in 2024 we added a ‘missing’ grade state to Gradebook. To further improve upon grading options for teachers and give them the ability to perform bulk grading, we’re introducing ‘grade all’. 
With this new feature, teachers can quickly and efficiently grade all students’ work on the Gradebook page by selecting ‘grade all’. They can also choose to override existing grades and automatically return them to students after grading. 
Not only does this update save time by eliminating the need to enter each student’s grade one-by-one, but it also provides a solution to grading assignments based on completion rather than accuracy (such as exit tickets, due nows, classwork, etc.) where the grade is binary (‘0’ or ‘100’). 
bulk grading in Classroom

A quién afecta 

Usuarios finales 

Por qué es importante

‘Grade all’ enables teachers to score faster and save time, ultimately making grading more efficient. 

Para empezar 

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • Usuarios finales: 
    • Once a teacher has set up grading, they can follow these steps to grade all: 
      • Go to Google Classroom > Gradebook > In the 3 dot menu for an assignment click “Grade all” > In the dialog that opens, input the bulk grade 
        • [Optional] Select “Override existing grades” to override existing grades with the new bulk grade 
        • [Optional] Select “Automatically return after grading” to return all grades after submitting the new bulk grade. 
    • Visite el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre calificar y devolver un trabajo. 

Ritmo de implantación 


  • Disponible para todos los clientes de Google Workspace, suscriptores individuales de Workspace y usuarios con cuentas personales de Google. 


Generate vocabulary lists using Gemini in Google Classroom

Qué está cambiando 

Since May of last year, education institutions have been leveraging new and powerful ways of working, teaching and learning with Gemini para Google Workspace. This includes products and features such as the Gemini app, Gemini Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI™), Gemini in Google Vids y Gemini in Classroom.
In continuing our efforts to ensure AI helps educators save time, create captivating learning experiences, and inspire creativity, we’re introducing a new way to generate vocabulary lists with the help of Gemini. 
Starting today, educators can generate custom word lists that are tailored to specific grade levels and topics identified by the educator. Specifically, the list will provide the word’s grammatical category, a clear definition, and a relevant example sentence to help students understand and use the vocabulary effectively. This functionality is accessible via the “Gemini Education” tab in Google Classroom. 
creating a vocab list using gemini in classroom

A quién afecta 

Administradores y usuarios finales 

Por qué es importante 

This update helps educators create vocabulary lists tailored to specific grade levels and topics while simultaneously empowering students to master vocabulary and deepen their understanding of language – all right within Google Classroom. 

Para empezar 

Ritmo de implantación 


Disponible para clientes de Google Workspace con estos complementos: 
  • Géminis Education and Education Premium 


The best of Google AI, now included in Workspace Business and Enterprise plans

 Qué está cambiando

Today we anunciado that we’re including the best of Google AI in Workspace Business and Enterprise plans without the need to purchase an add-on. Many Workspace customers have been using generative AI to boost productivity, creativity, and innovation, transforming how they work. Gemini is helping reduce the burden of mundane tasks, like taking notes during meetings and synthesizing long documents, and stepping in as a strategic thought partner to bring ideas to life and find ways to problem solve. Expanding the latest generative AI capabilities to more of our customers ensures they have the tools they need to stay on the cutting and competitive edge.

The following features* will begin rolling out for Business editions today, and for Enterprise editions from January 29, 2025:


Help me write

Effortlessly write and improve your new emails and replies – from polishing your tone with a single click to generating new drafts from scratch.

Summarize emails

Generate a summary directly from an email message or email thread, highlighting key takeaways.

Gemini in the Gmail side panel

Draft email responses, query your emails (“Catch me up on Project Clover emails”), summarize emails and email threads.


Gemini in the Docs side panel

Summarize the main points of a lengthy document or create an outline for a sales pitch, brainstorm a list of ideas for a new marketing campaign. Easily polish your documents with writing, grammar, and formatting suggestions from Gemini.

Cover images

Create unique inline images and full bleed cover images for a variety of needs, like a promotional flier, marketing campaign brief, restaurant menu, and more.

Help me write

Simply add a prompt, like “Create a project outline, including research, design, testing, and production phases”, and a draft will instantly be generated.

Help me create

Create a variety of formatted documents from scratch, like blog posts, press releases, campaign briefs and more.

Summarize documents

Generate an in-line summary of a document so readers and collaborators can quickly get up to speed.


Take notes for me in Meet

Automatically capture meeting notes, organize them in Google Docs, and share them with your team. Those joining late can catch up during the meeting with “Summary so far”.

Adaptive audio

Adaptive audio lets teams join meetings from multiple nearby laptops without echo or feedback, which is useful when conference rooms or meeting equipment is scarce.

Additional languages for translated captions in Meet

Translated captions provide real-time translations of the speaker’s language, helping to make meetings more inclusive and collaborative.


Gemini in the Drive side panel

Summarize multiple documents, generate insights on a specific topic, help you find files, and more.

Work with PDFs in Drive

Gemini can summarize long PDFs files, generate insights, or use the PDF to make something new, like a study plan or an email draft.

AI classification in Drive

IT teams can automatically and continuously identify, classify, and label sensitive files according to the specific needs of your organization. Classified files can then be protected with existing data loss prevention (DLP) controls. 


Gemini in the Sheets side panel

Quickly create tables, such as an expense tracker, generate insights based on spreadsheet data, and more.

Enhanced smartfill

Enhanced smartfill can detect if there are relationships between cell contents and make contextual suggestions.


Help me create an image

With a simple prompt, you can easily create original images for your presentations – like digital marketing campaign concepts or images to enhance your annual planning proposal.

Remove image backgrounds

Easily remove the background from images added to your Google Slides presentations for a more cohesive design.

Gemini in the Slides side panel

Quickly generate new slides, like a meeting agenda, generate custom images for your presentations, rewrite content, and more.


Summarize conversations

Get up to speed with quick summaries for unread conversations in group messages, spaces and threads.

Gemini in the Chat side panel

Summarize a space or conversation (“What are the key takeaways in this conversation?”), generate a list of action items (“Are there any action items for me in this conversation?”), or ask specific questions (“What is the decision on the project discussed in this conversation?”).

As well as:

Gemini Advanced

Chat with Google’s next-gen AI, Gemini Advanced, to research information, brainstorm ideas, and tackle your most demanding projects. Use Gemas to build a team of AI experts to help with repeatable or specialized tasks.

NotebookLM Plus

Available as an additional service, coming soon as a core service.

Accelerate team knowledge sharing by uploading your sources to get instant insights and podcast-like Audio Overviews with NotebookLM Plus. This enhanced version offers notebook customization, advanced sharing and 5x more Audio Overviews, queries, notebooks, and sources.

*Visite el Centro de ayuda para learn more about specific feature availability.

In the coming months, we plan to roll out even more AI features previously available in Gemini add-ons only. We’ll keep you updated here on the Workspace Updates blog and in our Centro de ayuda.
With this change, we are no longer offering the Gemini Business, Gemini Enterprise, AI Meetings & Messaging, and AI Security add-ons for purchase — see the “Additional details” section below for more information.

A quién afecta

Administradores y usuarios finales

Por qué es importante

Google Workspace has always been more than just a suite of tools; it’s a place where teams create, build, and grow together. As we embrace an era of work powered by AI, we believe this transformative technology should be accessible to every business, empowering them to innovate and thrive. That’s why we’re including the best of Google AI in Workspace Business and Enterprise plans.

Más información

Safeguarding your interactions with AI
We know that data security, confidentiality, and compliance are top priorities for business leaders when adopting AI, and we are committed to helping you keep your data safe. 
  • Your data is your data: We don’t use your data, prompts, or generated responses to train Gemini models outside of your domain without permission. We don’t sell your data or use it for ads targeting.
  • You are in control: We built Gemini with enterprise-grade controls to help you roll out Gemini while protecting your sensitive data. Gemini only retrieves relevant data that the user has permission to access, and your existing Workspace data security and sovereignty controls are automatically applied.
  • You can stay compliant: Gemini for Workspace and the Gemini app are one of the first generative AI productivity solutions to attain a comprehensive set of safety, privacy, and security certifications, including SOC 1/2/3, ISO 27001/17/18, and ISO 42001, and can help you meet HIPAA compliance.
Learn more about the available admin controls and our commitment to you in the Privacy Hub.
Gemini for Workspace add-ons and Google Workspace pricing updates
With the increased investment and measurable business value now included in Workspace Business and Enterprise plans, we’re no longer offering the Gemini for Workspace add-ons for sale, and we’re making pricing adjustments to Google Workspace Business and Enterprise plans. Updating pricing will take effect for new customers on January 16, 2025. Existing customers with impacted Google Workspace Enterprise and Business plans or a Gemini for Workspace add-on subscription will receive an email with more information about price and subscription updates. 
If you previously purchased Gemini for Google Workspace, you won’t be charged for the add-on after January 31, 2025. However, you can continue to use it uninterrupted through the transition period. We’ll be in touch in the coming months with more details about the transition. Visit our Centro de ayuda para más información.
Workspace for Education, Workspace for Nonprofits, and other subscription types
At this time, the following subscriptions are not impacted:
  • Workspace for Education subscriptions, including the Gemini Education and Gemini Education Premium add-ons
  • Workspace for Nonprofits subscriptions (nonprofits with a paid Workspace Business or Enterprise subscription will get access to AI features according to their plans)
  • Frontline, Essentials, Enterprise Essentials, and Workspace Individual subscriptions
  • Personal Google accounts, including accounts with Google One AI Premium subscriptions

Para empezar


This change impacts Google Workspace:
  • Empresas Starter, Standard, and Plus
  • Empresa Starter, Standard, and Plus
This change also impacts existing Gemini for Workspace add-on subscriptions:
  • Géminis Negocios
  • Empresa Gemini
  • AI Meetings & Messaging
  • AI Security


  • Business Starter, Standard, and Plus: Rollout of the AI features outlined in this post will begin on January 15, 2025, and is expected to complete over several days.
  • Enterprise Starter, Standard, and Plus: Rollout of the initial AI features outlined in this post on or soon after January 29, 2025, and is expected to complete over several days.
  • The majority of remaining AI features previously available in Gemini for Workspace add-ons will start rolling out to eligible Google Workspace Business and Enterprise plans in the coming months. We’ll share feature roll out updates here on the Workspace Updates blog and in our Centro de ayuda.


Introducing Gemini Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI™)

Qué está cambiando

We’re pleased to introduce Gemini LTI™, an AI-powered assistant that can integrate into third party Learning Management Systems (LMS). Gemini LTI™ helps enhance the educational experience for both educators and students by providing AI-driven tools and features powered by Gemini within their LMS environment. To start, Gemini LTI™ integrates with Canvas by Instructure and Powerschool Schoology Learning. 

A quién afecta

Administradores y usuarios finales

Por qué utilizarlo

Google is committed to making AI helpful for everyone, in the classroom and beyond. Bringing Gemini into LMS tools helps educators boost their creativity and productivity to create more dynamic and engaging learning experiences for their students. Specifically, educators can use the AI tools to:
  • Outline a lesson plan, including learning objectives.
  • Generate a quiz and export it to Google Forms.
  • Create a hook to spark curiosity and engage your students.
Students can further solidify what they’re learning in the classroom or explore new topics alongside an AI:
  • In-the-moment assistance: get unstuck and keep learning going by get clarification in real time. 
  • Learning coach: get a step-by-step learning plan built around specific learning goals.
  • Brainstorming partner: generate fresh ideas for a research paper, additional authors to read, and more.
  • Feedback on writing: get suggestions on how to strengthen your arguments and hone your ideas
  • Mock interviews: prepare for an upcoming internship or extra curricular interview.

Más información

Gemini LTI™ is part of Google Workspace LTI, our suite of LTI™ tools, including Assignments LTI™, Google Drive LTI™, and Google Meet LTI™. Visit our Help Center to learn more about Workspace LTI™

Para empezar

Now generally available: Monitor and manage AppSheet usage in your organization with the AppSheet Admin console

Qué está cambiando 

Beginning today, we’re pleased to announce that all Google Workspace Admins with the Privilegio del servicio AppSheet can access the AppSheet Admin Console. The AppSheet Admin console is a consolidated location to monitor, manage and govern AppSheet across your organization. Previously, the AppSheet Admin Console was only available to those with an AppSheet Enterprise Plus license in public preview, but now any admin with sufficient privileges has access to monitor and manage their users (note: some features require an enterprise license for the admin and the user). 
The AppSheet Admin Console gives admins visibility into the users, apps and licenses associated with their AppSheet users. From here, admins can: 
  • Review the most popular apps and creators. 
  • Review how many apps are owned and used for every user account. 
  • View all of their organization’s app users. 
  • Verify the AppSheet licenses purchased, assigned and used. 
  • Export a list of accounts, users, apps and licenses. 
Since Public Preview, we’ve added more functionality: 
  • Historical app usage: Admins can see app usage history for all accounts in their organization up to three months starting today and soon extending to six months. 
  • Self-serve provisioning: Admins can choose how their enterprise licenses are provisioned – either through license assignment in the Workspace Admin Console or automatically upon login to AppSheet.  
  • Organizations as the new standard: New and existing Workspace customers can manage all of their secondary domain users under a consolidated AppSheet organization.
The AppSheet Admin Console

A quién afecta


Por qué es importante

We’ve heard from our customers that in order to effectively manage AppSheet activity in their organizations, they need visibility into its usage. This includes information regarding how many users are using an AppSheet license, who is accessing their teams apps, and more. Expanding access to the AppSheet Admin console provides admins with these critical metrics, enabling them to understand how the tool is being used and govern the use of the tool as needed.

Más información

The Licenses page will remain in public preview pending some supporting launches and additional enhancements expected early in 2025.

Para empezar

  • Admins: Visite el Centro de ayuda para obtener más información sobre using the AppSheet Admin Console.
  • Usuarios finales: There is no end user impact or action required.

Ritmo de implantación

