Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta

What's changing 

Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta, providing admins with enhanced visibility into the state of their data assets. By exporting this data into BigQuery, admins can gain a holistic view of how their data is classified, who can access it, and how it's being used. Analysing this data at scale helps admins address the challenge of understanding the full scope of their data assets, especially as it pertains to sensitive information and compliance with data policies.

Who's impacted


Why it's important

Compared to using APIs, Drive inventory reporting is a more efficient alternative to piecing together a full representation of Drive items from audit events and various other surfaces. The comprehensive view of the file corpus-including classifications, sizes, and locations-allows administrators to identify security risks, such as unauthorised access or oversharing. It also aids in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, like those for data retention and destruction. 

Getting started

Admins: Eligible Admins can enable this feature in the Admin console by going to Reporting > Data Integrations and enabling Drive Inventory Export. Visit the Help Centre to learn more about Drive inventory reporting. Admins interested in providing feedback to the product team during the open beta can fill out this formEnd users: There is no end user impact or action required.

Rollout pace

This feature is available now for all eligible users.


Available for Google Workspace:
Enterprise Standard and PlusEducation Standard and PlusEnterprise Essentials PlusFrontline Standard


Google Workspace extensions for Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs are now available in open beta for Gemini (

What's changing 

We're pleased to announce Google Workspace extensions for Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs are available for Gemini ( When enabled, Gemini will be able to cross reference these apps as data sources to better inform its responses.
View of Google Workspace extensions from the Gemini Extensions page
This feature is available in open beta for Google Workspace customers with the Gemini Business, Enterprise, Education, and Education Premium add-ons - no additional sign-up is required.

Who's impacted

Admins and end users

Why you'd use it

Google Workspace extensions enhance Gemini's capabilities by allowing it to access information from your Gmail, Docs, and Drive. This enables Gemini to locate, reference and incorporate this additional data, leading to even more informed and relevant responses. This deeper integration helps bring Gemini's capabilities more seamlessly into your daily workflows, helping to enhance productivity. For example, referencing a Doc that outlines your target audiences while performing customer research in Gemini (

Additional details

During the open beta period, Context-Aware Access (CAA) for Gmail, Drive and Docs isn't supported with Google Workspace extensions. Context-Aware Access gives you control over which apps a user can access based on their context, such as whether their device complies with your IT policy. Learn more about Context-Aware Access.Google Workspace extensions honours access control settings for files within Drive, meaning users can only access files that they own or have been shared with them (excluding files shared via Shared Drive).Google Workspace extensions is not available to Google Workspace users accessing Gemini as an additional Google service.Note that Google Workspace personal content that Gemini Apps get from extensions is not reviewed by anyone to improve AI models, not used to train AI models, and not shared with other users or institutions. Visit the Help Centre for more information.

Getting started

Admins: This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the OU or Group level. During the open beta period, Drive, Gmail and Docs must be enabled to use Google Workspace extensions.
Visit the Help Centre to learn more about turning Google Workspace extensions on or off for your organisation

End users: If enabled by your admin, connecting Google Workspace allows users to summarise, get quick answers, and find information from apps and services like Gmail, Docs, and Drive directly in Gemini. Visit the Help Centre to learn more about using Google Workspace extensions.

Rollout pace

Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains: Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility) starting on July 16, 2024


Available for Google Workspace customers with the:
Gemini Business, Enterprise, Education, or Education Premium add-on


Teachers will soon be able to create a new class in Google Classroom using Student Information System (SIS) data

What's changing

We recently introduced the ability to import data, such as student rosters, co-teachers and grading categories, from your Student Information System (SIS) to Google Classroom. 
In the coming weeks, we will be introducing a new feature that allows teachers to set up a Google Classroom class using information directly imported from an SIS, including co-teachers, student rosters and class lists, grading categories and grading periods. Please note this feature is only available with our current SIS partners
In preparation for the "full class" import feature, we advise admins to connect Classroom to their Student Information System (SIS) as soon as possible. Once the admin establishes a connection between their district SIS and Google Classroom, teachers will be able to use the connection to import data from their SIS to set up new classes or update existing classes when the feature launches later this quarter. 

Getting started 

Admins: Visit the Help Centre to learn more about connecting your Classroom to your SIS. End users: Visit the Help Centre to learn more about using Classroom with your SIS and importing data from your SIS. 

Rollout pace 

Full class import will be available in the coming weeks. We will provide an update on the Workspace Updates Blog when this feature becomes generally available. 


Available for Google Workspace:

Google Classroom now supports exporting grades and importing rosters and grade settings with PowerSchool SIS

What's changing

Google Classroom teachers can now export and import select information via the new integration with PowerSchool SIS, a third-party student information system (SIS) that provides innovative K-12 software and cloud-based solutions to improve educational outcomes and simplify school operations. 
Once an admin establishes a connection between PowerSchool SIS and Classroom, teachers will be able to export grades from Classroom to PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook. Teachers can also import useful information, such as student rosters, co-teachers and grading categories, from PowerSchool SIS into Classroom. 

Getting started 

Admins: To enable the feature, go to > next to "Select your SIS," click the Down arrow > select "PowerSchool," > "Connect to Google." Under "SIS Setup, click "Connect" > enter the OAuth credentials. Visit the Help Centre to learn more about connecting your Classroom to your SIS. End users: If your admin has connected to your SIS: You can export grades by going to > select the class > "Grades" > "SIS export." You can import grading categories by going to > select the class > Settings > "Grading Categories" > "Import from SIS." You can import student rosters by going to the People tab > "Invite Students" > "Import from SIS". You can invite co-teachers by going to the People tab > "Invite Teachers" > "Import from SIS". The ability to import grading periods from your SIS and create a class using SIS rosters and settings will be available later this quarter. Visit the Help Centre to learn more about using Classroom with your SIS, exporting grades to your Student Information System (SIS) gradebook and importing data from your Student Information System (SIS)

Rollout pace 

This feature is available now 


Available for Google Workspace: 
Education Plus and the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 


Import and export Markdown in Google Docs

What's changing

In 2022Recently, we introduced expanded support for composing with Markdown in Google Docs on the web. Today, we're introducing highly-requested features that enhance Docs' interoperability with other Markdown supporting tools. These include the ability to: 
Convert Markdown to Docs content on paste Copy Docs content as Markdown Export a Doc as Markdown (from File > Download) Import Markdown as a Doc (from File > Open or "Open with Google Docs" from Drive) 

Who's impacted 

End users and developers

Why you'd use it 

This update is particularly useful for technical content writers as they can now convert Docs content to/from Markdown. For example, developers can collaborate on software documentation in Docs and then export it as Markdown for use in other Markdown supporting tools. 

Getting started 

Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. End users:
The import and export options are ON by default.
The "Copy as Markdown" and "Paste from "Markdown" options will be OFF by default and can be enabled in Docs by going to Tools > Preferences > Enable Markdown.
Visit the Help Centre to learn more about using Markdown in Google Docs, Slides, & Drawings.

Rollout pace

Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on July 16, 2024 


Available to all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts 
