Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta

What's changing 

Google Drive inventory reporting is now available in open beta, providing admins with enhanced visibility into the state of their data assets. By exporting this data into BigQuery, admins can gain a holistic view of how their data is classified, who can access it, and how it's being used. Analysing this data at scale helps admins address the challenge of understanding the full scope of their data assets, especially as it pertains to sensitive information and compliance with data policies.

Who's impacted


Why it's important

Compared to using APIs, Drive inventory reporting is a more efficient alternative to piecing together a full representation of Drive items from audit events and various other surfaces. The comprehensive view of the file corpus-including classifications, sizes, and locations-allows administrators to identify security risks, such as unauthorised access or oversharing. It also aids in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, like those for data retention and destruction. 

Getting started

Admins: Eligible Admins can enable this feature in the Admin console by going to Reporting > Data Integrations and enabling Drive Inventory Export. Visit the Help Centre to learn more about Drive inventory reporting. Admins interested in providing feedback to the product team during the open beta can fill out this formEnd users: There is no end user impact or action required.

Rollout pace

This feature is available now for all eligible users.


Available for Google Workspace:
Enterprise Standard and PlusEducation Standard and PlusEnterprise Essentials PlusFrontline Standard
