MX records

MX records

Priority: 1, Address: ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Priority: 5, Address: ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Priority: 5, Address: ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Priority: 10, Address: ALT3.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Priority: 10, Address: ALT4.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM

The MX records (Mail Exchange) are an essential part of a domain's DNS (Domain Name System) records. They specify the mail servers responsible for receiving email messages for a specific domain.

In simpler terms, when someone sends an email to "", the mail servers that send that message consult the MX records of "" to determine which server or servers they should forward that message to.

Within the context of email configuration, MX records are fundamental, as they ensure that emails sent to your domain are correctly directed to the appropriate email servers. If MX records are incorrectly configured or missing, emails destined for your domain may not be delivered or may be delivered to the wrong server.

Configure MX Records for Google Workspace:

  1. Access your domain providerLog in to the account where you registered your domain.
  2. Access DNS managementFind and access the DNS management section or something similar.
  3. Locate the MX Records sectionWithin DNS management, find the section where you can modify or add MX records.
  4. Delete existing MX recordsIf you already have some MX records defined, it is recommended that you delete them to avoid mail routing conflicts.
  5. Add MX records from Google WorkspaceYou will enter a series of addresses provided by Google. The values you need to add are:
    • Priority: 1, Address: ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
    • Priority: 5, Address: ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
    • Priority: 5, Address: ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
    • Priority: 10, Address: ALT3.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
    • Priority: 10, Address: ALT4.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM

    Make sure you enter these values exactly as they are listed, including the priorities.

  6. Save changes: After adding all the records, make sure you save or confirm the changes.
  7. Check the configuration in Google WorkspaceGo back to your Google Workspace account and go to the section where you started the MX record configuration process. Here you can check that the records have been configured correctly.
  8. Wait for itRemember that changes to DNS records can take between a few hours and 48 hours to propagate across the Internet, so you may not see the results immediately.

Once you have completed these steps, emails sent to your domain will be routed through the Google Workspace servers.